Scientific Findings About The Atomic Structure


Thursday, July 12, 2012

               The History of Atomic Structure



Positively charges sub atomic particles.
The existence of protons was first discovered by Eugene Goldstein in 1886.
He observed a cathode ray tube and found rays traveling in the direction opposite to that of the cathode rays. He called those canal rays and concluded that they were composed of positive particles. He called those canal rays and concluded that they were composed of positive particles. 
Each proton has a mass about 1840 times that of an electron.



Neutrons are sub atomic particles with no charge but with a mass nearly equal to the proton's.
Sir James Chadwick confirmed the discovery of another atomic particle’s existence: the Neutron.
ü  All atoms are made up of subatomic particles protons, neutrons and electron.
ü  The electronic charge is measured in coulombs (C).

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